Tuesday 14 April 2009

Carbon Calculus

I've been researching online carbon calculators to check how much CO2 they say my flight to Girona would emit. The figures range from 0.35 tonnes to as much as 6.35 tonnes return. I guess it depends on how guilty they want to make me feel, or how much 'offsetting' they want me to buy. If the highest ones are true, that's an awful lot of breathing - we'll have to extend this project to last 20 years!

Some of these sites will sell you a bunch of trees or something green to make you feel less guilty. How many trees depends on how much carbon you've pumped out. Here's one of them.


And here's a site that's done a pretty extensive survey


According to this survey around 30% of the sites actually underestimate what emissions will be - so it seems my year of breathing is too short after all! Twenty Years of Breathing is quite possibly nearer the truth.

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